Once again, I visited the volunteer couple closest to me. It has proven itself to be a very enjoyable way to spend the weekend time and time again.
This past visit I brought over the only pumpkin that grew in my garden as a gift. I couldnt honestly say that I would do more with it than eat the seeds and I figured my friends would get much more use out of it, so it was an easy choice. The runners up to this decision were to make a jack o lantern, which may have convinced my neighbors I was insane, or make a helmet out of it, which may have also convinced my neighbors I was insane. Instead I decided to convince my friends neighbors I was insane. Inspired by a Jack Handy quote, I decided to leave the pumpkin on my friends doorstep as seen in the picture. My plot was foiled since I was seen laying the threat but it was still worth it. Theres always next years pumpkin harvest to get it right.