Mr. Saw-Open-the-Case
In an attempt to fix my apapter and to gain some knowledge and perhaps even some skills, I decided to open that bad boy up. They dont make it easy but its thin plastic shell was no match for my leatherman saw. Once I got to the guts though I had no idea what I was doing or what to look for, it wasnt very obvious. I was hoping there would be a big switch I could flip or maybe a blinking button to press, alas there was not. So in the future if anyone ever needs to open their power adapter, I know exactly what to do but beyond that I got nothing. Pretty neat to look inside though. Dont go ruining yours though I have included a picture to sate your curiosity.
Computer class
I have started computer classes for the teachers at one of my schools (the other one will start very soon). They have only the one computer so the lessons are one on one so far. This means doing the same lesson over and over and over to all the teachers. Teaching the same science class twice is not as bad because I usually alter the second class to make things run smoother or clearer and keep things fresh. The computer classes are tough though because I have to repeat the same lesson and I hate repeating myself. If for whatever reason you missed what I said, youll usually get one repeat and then after that if you still didnt get it, forget about it man. Even if I were injected with a deadly toxin and I needed you to hand me the only existing antidote for which only you were aware of its location, and I asked you for it twice and you didnt hear me twice, Im a dead man because thats how much I hate repeating myself. But teaching is a different scenario because the message is new to each of the teachers each time and its important to me. So until I can get access to a computer lab I am just going to have to suck it up.
Another note about the computers. Both schools participated in a workshop on using computers more, or if you prefer the lingo/buzz word version, integrating ICT. So they both brought their main school computers with them to get a little training and receive some documents etc. Well when they came back one of the schools computer was so clogged with viruses and the like that even microsoft word wouldnt open. I am sure it will be the same at the other school tomorrow. I just find that deliciously ironic. The irony is so thick I can cut a slice out of it. Then I can take two pieces of the irony from the workshops on "improving classroom practices" that are held during school, which take teachers out of class, and I make an irony sandwich. Then I take my irony sandwich and I put it on my head.
I am still planning on doing this event and therefore I still need donation from you generous, kind smart, funny...trustworthy loyal helpful friendly courteous brave people. Please see my earlier post to find out how to donate. Seriously help of out here, the volunteers in charge of this program keep sending me threats and calling me names, so I need to fill my quota. This is me repeating myself so you know its getting pretty real now.