I am back from vacation now and let me just say it was everything I wanted it to be plus others things I didn't want but decided I wanted them as they were happening to me. Great time!
Although this is a good chance to tell a great story about my vacation I have a real problem with recounting events directly after I experience them. I am working on it. You are all really after pictures anyway. So here are a few to wet your whistle. Also Happy New Year everybody!

The first day at the hostel. That's me there, not the one in the red shirt, the one jumping off the cliff! They make you do that to prove your loyalty. It must have been about 100 fake feet (maybe 25 feet). Wish I wasn't so paralyzed with fear to think to do a cool pose. Diving was out of the question, even to those who are not physically unable to dive off of cliffs.

An amazing beach, mostly unpopulated (except for the holidays where the locals flock to the beach in droves). Everything was just right.
A sundowners spot. The hostel was nice enough to bring beers along. Stunning view don't you think. I am pretty sure my family has the same exact picture of the Southern Ireland coast.

The Transkei, land of the Xhosa (the x is a click, of which there are three different types in the Xhosa language, see if you can figure it out). They have stuck to the rondavel which is certainly an interesting house to look at. Peoples' homes were scattered about with what seems like little rhyme or reason. They must be some of the most fit people having to walk those hills all the time. Also I don't know how I did it but doesn't this picture look like a scale model of an African village?

On the right is the famous Hole-in-the-Wall. You can tell because it is a hole in a wall. We all swam out because you can jump into the middle. This was a mission filled with danger, we all suffered cuts and bruises just from getting up next to hole. Only one person was brave enough to jump into the center. The ocean was rough that day and the waves coming through would smash you against the rocks if you didn't time it right. I jumped off but definitely away from the hole. On the swim back we were all bleeding into the ocean where a shark was spotted that day. We weren't told this until after we got back. Everyone lived!

Did some surfing out there. Tried the second day and was absolutely demolished since it was very windy and I was trying on waves far too big and I don't know how to surf. Much later in the vacation I tried again on a calmer day and on much smaller waves with more success. I stood up a few times but I like this picture because I am falling over on perhaps the tiniest wave there could be and in the background you can make out people surfing on the real waves.

Peace Corps SA20 Coffee Bay Christmas and New Years 2009. YEAAAAAAAAH! We are a special group.