Miscellaneous news that happened this week
My APCD (my boss) came to my site for a chat/interview. It was very pleasant. Sometimes I dont know I am interested in talking about or even venting certain things until I start talking about them. I think I am getting better at being interviewed too. I still dont like talking about myself but I now use more than one word answers. Yet another life skilll laid down by Peace Corps.
Teaching continues to be a learning experience. I have had some particularly bad classes where some of the learners are mistaking my kindness for weakness. I have learned now not to tolerate even the smallest infraction because it snowballs far too quickly. Things have been better since.
The youngest member of my host family stepped on a needle which broke off into her foot. It swelled and was surely infected so her father came to take her back to Pretoria. This same thing happened to my real sister in my real family. And she turned out fine... mostly. Anyway my little host sister will be gone for a while and she will be missed.
Things are cooling down noticeably. I am sure that that doesnt sound all that great to those covered in snow but it means a lot to me.
There are whole chunks of time where I an not covered in sweat!
That is all for today.
Picture Captions
A horse enjoying a drink from the temporary rain-created pond on my walk to school this morning.
A localised downpour. Probably on someone who just got laid off, evicted and dumped.