We are covering energy in the natural sciences class. As an introduction we started with solar energy. I thought a nice demonstration would be to show how dark colors absorb more energy than lighter colors. So I brought in a black and white t shirt and set them out in the sun. During my class one of the women that cook the learners lunches calmly informed me that the cows were trying to eat my shirt. What?! In no way does my shirt, which was hanging on the top of a fence, resemble grass. I expect that sort of behavior out of those stupid goats but not you cow friends. Well now I have a giant cud stain on the corner of my shirt. You win this round dikgomo.
My host mother is building a traditional mud house, with some modern brick supplementation, in the yard. Well she is rebuilding it but all the same. She is almost finished and it was impressive how quickly she has worked. She had help from most of the family and neighbors but she has done a major portion herself. When I was investigating today she said it would be cool in the heat and warm in the cold which sounded sublime. Indeed it was pretty cool inside the house so I asked her if I should cover my house with mud. She just laughed at me. When she saw that I was only half joking she explained that it was a lot of work because it requires constant maintenance to keep the mud on the house after it rains. She said I can use her house if I need to achieve homeostasis (not her words) so I got that going for me. Eventually the house is going to be used for a big celebration. Ill keep you posted on that.
The race is getting closer and the threats are getting more violent. This morning I woke up to my running sneakers in my bed but they were completely gutted. The tongues were ripped out and the heels were broken. Tell your friends, use peer pressure. Tell your enemies, use reverse psychology. Get out there and manipulate donations for a good cause!