As some may know, I started a garden for myself and host family. I already had a pretty nice post but was waiting for the right moment. Since it is stowed away on my computer it will have to wait a bit longer. Today is a special case so I will say a little about one of my harvests before I give a rundown of the whole thing. That special case is the cantalope or the sweet melon. A few were ripe today so we indulged ourselves and how sweet they are. I am suprised at how well they turned out and many more are still coming.
If I do this correctly, the pictures should be in chronological order which I will describe now:
The melons grow Look at how peaceful they are. They have no idea that soon I will be feasting upon them.
A beautiful specimen. Had a pungent aroma and a satisfyingly dense reply when flicked. Yes youll do nicely.
Look at that vibrant color! A magnificent fruit to behold.
Cantalope and honeydew (from a store) combination. I could really taste my blood, sweat and tears in that melon. There were overtones of toil and and a playful suggestion of grief. It was certainly one of the finest melons Ive ever had. First class dinner! Thats right melon for dinner because Im an adult and I can do that sort of thing. I may even stay up late tonight too, probably wont though because In pretty tired.