Greetings, I have returned from my trip to Cape Town for which you all shall soon here all about in extensive detail. First, however, I have some other business to take care of. If I am not incorrect, this is my 100th post or somewhere around there (margin of error +/- 50). When you think about it is not that important since I am the one in control of how many posts I make and I can just as easily post 100 blank pages. With that being said, you should all be very impressed that I managed to not post 100 blank pages. Where I come from, it is a tradition that on a person's 100th blog post, everyone has to do whatever said blogger demands. It is an old and sacred tradition that in no way was made up just now. This leads me to my second order of business:

The donations have stagnated. $300 is quite a lot already, I know, and combined with what was raised last year it is more money than I have ever raised for anything ever...combined. Nonetheless, I am asking one last time for anything at all anyone can donate. The money helps send deserving kids to a school where they have the opportunity to get an excellent education. Do what you can before the deadline which is this Friday (25th).
Donation Instructions
Method 1: Online
1. Go to the KLM foundation website
2. Click on the Donate photo in the upper left corner.
3. This opens up a secure https connection for people to donate.
4. Put my name (Noah Prescott) in the Longtom Marathon field so they know the donation is in my name.
Method 2: Check
1. Make out a check to: Kgwale Le Mollo (US)
2. Add a post it declaring which PCV the donor is sponsoring (Noah Prescott)
3. Mail it to:
KLM Foundation (US)
c/o Bowen Hsu
461 So. Bonita Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91107