As you can see there has been a huge jump in the donation gauge. While the arrow indicates the boundary of a "Donation Overload", the gauge is still holding up pretty well and donations are still being accepted. I am pleased and I thank those who have donated, you know who you are I should think.
I have gotten a lot of e-mails regarding the same sort of questions so I will just put up a quick F.A.Q.s to nip this in the bud.
I really like everything about KLM and your blog. I want to donate a lot of money, is this allowed?
Thanks, that is very kind of you to say. Yes, donating a lot money is acceptable and encouraged.
I want to donate more than $100 but I am afraid there is not enough room on the donation meter. Will this break the meter?
This will NOT break the meter. If things get beyond the $400 point, I will in fact make another gauge.
I want to tell everyone I know about your blog and how to donate to KLM on your behalf. How should I tell them how to donate?
Thanks again.
Donation Instructions
Method 1: Online
1. Go to the KLM foundation website http://www.klm-foundation.org
2. Click on the Donate photo in the upper left corner.
3. This opens up a secure https connection for people to donate.
4. Put my name (Noah Prescott) in the Longtom Marathon field so they know the donation is in my name.
Method 2: Check
1. Make out a check to: Kgwale Le Mollo (US)
2. Add a post it declaring which PCV the donor is sponsoring (Noah Prescott)
3. Mail it to:
KLM Foundation (US)
c/o Bowen Hsu
461 So. Bonita Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91107