Scumbag(s) on the Prowl

Friends and family: I am still in South Africa. I have not been arrested in Spain for possession of a gun and cocaine. If someone calls you and asks you to give bail money so that I don't go to jail, don't believe it. Scammers targeted my grandmother earlier today but she is too smart for any of that garbage.

I suppose that if I do happen to get arrested in Spain with a gun and cocaine now, I am not going to be able to call any of you for help. Spanish prison can't be that bad though.

Peace Corps volunteers in SA, Peace Corps volunteers worldwide, Bloggers , people with stuff on the internet (everyone I guess): Beware! Might be a good idea to remind your families to be vigilant and not give out money on your behalf without proof of identity/authority and evidence in general.

Scumbag(s): Not cool. You're the reason why we can't trust each other by default. How would you like it if I tried to scam your grandmother?!
Socks and Underwear: Scumbag(s) on the Prowl

Friday, February 25, 2011

Scumbag(s) on the Prowl

Friends and family: I am still in South Africa. I have not been arrested in Spain for possession of a gun and cocaine. If someone calls you and asks you to give bail money so that I don't go to jail, don't believe it. Scammers targeted my grandmother earlier today but she is too smart for any of that garbage.

I suppose that if I do happen to get arrested in Spain with a gun and cocaine now, I am not going to be able to call any of you for help. Spanish prison can't be that bad though.

Peace Corps volunteers in SA, Peace Corps volunteers worldwide, Bloggers , people with stuff on the internet (everyone I guess): Beware! Might be a good idea to remind your families to be vigilant and not give out money on your behalf without proof of identity/authority and evidence in general.

Scumbag(s): Not cool. You're the reason why we can't trust each other by default. How would you like it if I tried to scam your grandmother?!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said.

February 26, 2011 at 8:05 AM  

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