My host family frequently rearranges their appliances and furniture in the house. In fact, I felt that they adjusted way too often for my taste. Just when I would get used to a new setup it seems that it would change the very next weekend. My thoughts were that they just liked the feeling of a new house or at least new space. Now I must consider another possible explanation which is that they may be checking for things that are living in places they cannot see.

I was doing some cleaning on Sunday and discovered a termites nest. My extended vacation left the little suckers unchecked for a couple of weeks and they exploited that time. They had managed to come up through the cracks in the floor and built a pretty large home between the wall and my wardrobe. I have been checking for damage in the wardrobe itself but as of yet I cannot spot any. Can't say I know what I am looking for though, my guess would be large wholes in the wood but I am not an expert. In any case it seems ship shape. I wonder what they were snacking on though if not the largest wooden thing in the room. Moreover I have tasted the wardrobe and it is certainly among the most delicious I have come across, primo cellulose.

I was not as repulsed as when I was attacked by bed bugs since they were not really after me personally, it was equal parts interesting and annoying mixed with a little disgust. Most of all, it was monumentally disturbing to have to dedicate time and energy on my precious Sabbath to destroying and sweeping out a termite lair. Let me tell you, those things are robust. I had a tougher time removing the mud/wood/termite spit-feces concoction off of my wall than gravity has at taking down the shelves I have been trying to install (I briefly considered bio-mimicry for the latter but have since decided to go for sturdier screws). If there was one happy party in the whole affair it would have to be the chickens who enjoyed picking through the aftermath.

Needless to say I have been inspired to rearrange my room more often. The interior decorating is really an after thought as the important part is that I monitor the cracks and crevices diligently for intruders. My live and let live policy is suspended until further notice. You hear me insects of the world? So back off or else I am coming for you and I'm bringing hell with me!