I am planning on participating in the Longtom Marathon again this year. Don't be impressed just yet, I am only going to do the half marathon. Still impressed, well you shouldn't be because I am probably going to walk it again. Although I might change my mind if the circumstances are right.
More important than the marathon is the KLM foundation which is attached to it. The foundation which was setup by former Peace Corps Volunteers in South Africa has been running for several years now. Its goal is to send students from rural areas to Uplands College in Mpumalanga. I have it on good authority that this school offers a world class education which makes it head and shoulders and then another head and shoulders above a typical rural high school. It also has a swimming pool.
I am asking for donations for the cause. Help make opportunities accessible to some deserving kids. Make it so they can enjoy a swimming pool when it is unbearable hot. How to donate:
Method 1: Online
1. Go to the KLM foundation website http://www.klm-foundation.org
2. Click on the Donate photo in the upper left corner.
3. This opens up a secure https connection for people to donate.
4. Put my name (Noah Prescott) in the Longtom Marathon field so they know the donation is in my name.
Method 2: Check
1. Make out a check to: Kgwale Le Mollo (US)
2. Add a post it declaring which PCV the donor is sponsoring (Noah Prescott)
3. Mail it to:
KLM Foundation (US)
c/o Bowen Hsu
461 So. Bonita Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91107
I tried to figure out how to do a nifty donation meter like Wikipedia has but soon realized that I do not have the skills to do this. My next idea was to just make a picture and update it as donations came in because I do have the skills to make simple pictures. Now I was faced with a tough choice, there are lots of different motivational tools to choose from. There's the thermometer-type fundraising graphic, but I felt uncomfortable encouraging you all to raise the temperature. Even if it is the fictitious donation temperature. Then I briefly considered the tool used in the greatest movie about the Cleveland Indians ever made, Major League. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I highly recommend you watch the movie. This idea was passed over though because I realized it would only make you want to win the AL Penant so your team wouldn't move to Miami which is not really my goal. After much deliberation, I ended up choosing the gauge style and am unashamedly proud of the result. I am pretty sure this is going to compel otherwise miserly people to give as much as they can. Let the donation begin!

As you can see from the donation gauge, we are at a dangerously low lever. I mean we are below the "Pathetic Region".