It is about to rain and it looks like it is gonna be a doozy. It rained somewhat, more of a shower really, two weekends ago which I will admit was nice but it wasn't the knock-down, drag-out rainstorm my heart was after. This is a special moment since it hasn't rained like this in some time. It feels like 6 or 7 months. So, I have been outside taking pictures because the sky is absolutely gorgeous. The mixture of the sunset and oncoming thunderheads is doing wonderfully eerie things.

After a few pictures I'd noticed the kids had stopped playing their last soccer game of the evening and were inching closer and closer to where I was. They were also in a tight mass about the width of a picture shot. I can sense when people are mugging for the camera. Ahh, how things have changed. The little one in front ran away crying the first time I took her picture. I suppose cameras do look a little intimidating if you haven't seen one before. Especially if the first time you are seeing a camera is the first time you are seeing a large bearded white man too.

The lightening and thunder started a short while after the kids were satisfied with having their pictures taken. I decided I had to get a picture of the lightening. This turns out to be extremely difficult. Do you have any idea how fast lightening is? Lightening-fast is the answer to that question. After taking about 100 of the same picture, I figured I'd better stop taunting Thor to have another shot at killing me. My solution was to take a movie and then take a snapshot of the frame with the best bolt. It turned out to be a bit blurry but you can definitely tell what part of the picture is the lightening.

I am now going to turn off the electricity, safely store all valuables away from outlets and double wrap them in plastics bags, then I am going to read a book.